1-Day Dumpster Delivery
CDL-Licensed Drivers
90+ Years of Experience
Multi-stream Recycling
In 1992, we began collecting recycling items at the curb. We started out with four pickup trucks with trailers to collect the recycling items. Twenty-five years later, we now have eight full-time recycle trucks out five days a week and three part-time recycle trucks.
In 1996, we opened Lake Area Disposal & Recycling. We process and ship out all our recycling right here locally. Here, we offer a recycling drop-off site, which is open only to Lake Area Disposal & Recycling customers, as well as an aluminum buyback center that is open to the public.
We are very proud of our recycling facility. In 2016, we kept a total of 3,315 tons of recyclable material out of the landfill! We pride ourselves on doing multi-stream recycling. These recycled materials are then kept separate throughout the whole of the recycling process for a cleaner more efficient process!
Multi-stream recycling refers to a system in which participants are responsible for sorting various types of recyclable materials at home before they are collected. In contrast, "dual-stream" systems require the separation of paper/fiber materials from containers, while "single-stream" recycling involves sorting after collection. Opting for a multi-stream approach results in a cleaner and more efficient process, ensuring that your recycled materials are properly recycled and not destined for the landfill.
Main Office
Recycling Center
All Rights Reserved | Lake Area Disposal & Recycling
Website By: New-Tie Marketing