
Extra Pickup Services

Springfield, IL

1-Day Dumpster Delivery

CDL-Licensed Drivers

90+ Years of Experience

Let Us Take Care of Your Unwanted Clutter - Hire Our Services for Efficient Junk Removal

Cleaning out garage or moving? Whether you are cleaning out your garage, attic, or have a pile of junk you need to get rid of, we can provide extra pickup services if you need it. However, there are certain things to keep in mind, and they are:

  • There is a $40.00 dollar minimum charge
  • It is another $40.00 dollar charge every time the driver has to run the hopper. (The hopper is the loading compartment on the back of the truck that the garbage goes into)

We make certain exceptions at Lake Area Disposal & Recycling, and they are:

  • Mattresses $20.00 each
  • Box springs $20.00 each
  • These extra services are for Lake Area Disposal & Recycling customers only.

If you only have a a few extra bags of garbage that you need removed, we do have Refuse Stickers that we sell for $2.00 each. You can buy these in our main office or anywhere that yard waste stickers are sold.

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